
London/Paris trip July/Aug 2014
IMG 0277  pre-trip sushi IMG 0278  on the plane IMG 0279  on the plane IMG 2722  Dawn & Randy arriving at Paddington Station after riding the express train from Heathrow
IMG 2723  Dawn in fron of our hotel - The Classic Hotel IMG 0280  London IMG 0281  London IMG 0282  London
IMG 0283  London bus tour IMG 0284  London bus tour IMG 0285  Lynn in front of Hamleys on the London bus tour IMG 0286  London bus tour - Piccadilly Circus
IMG 0287  London bus tour - Her Majesty's Theatre (changes to His... when there is a king) IMG 0288  London bus tour IMG 0289  London bus tour - Mike IMG 0290  London bus tour - Trafalgar Square
IMG 0291  London bus tour IMG 2724  Mike at Trafalgar Square "holding" the giant blue chicken the Hahn/Cock (meaning? significance? not even Widipedia seems to know for sure) IMG 2725  Dawn in front of Nelson's column in Trafalgar Square, London IMG 2726  Trafalgar Square
IMG 2727  The National Gallery near Trafalgar Square IMG 2728  The lions (Lynn & Dawn) in front of Nelson's column at Trafalgar Square IMG 2729  More lions (Dawn & Mike) IMG 0292  London bus tour
IMG 0293  London bus tour - Lynn & Randy IMG 0294  London bus tour IMG 0295  London bus tour - Savoy Theatre IMG 0296  London bus tour
IMG 0297  London bus tour IMG 0298  London bus tour IMG 0299  London bus tour - Temple Bar Memorial (1880) - aka dragon monument IMG 0300  London bus tour - Temple Bar Memorial (1880) - aka dragon monument
IMG 0301  London bus tour - fancy clock on the side of a building IMG 0302  London bus tour IMG 0303  London bus tour IMG 0304  London bus tour
IMG 0305  London bus tour IMG 0306  London bus tour IMG 0307  London bus tour - the Tower of London IMG 0308  London bus tour - the Tower of London
IMG 0309  London bus tour IMG 0310  London bus tour IMG 0311  London bus tour - The Tower Bridge IMG 0312  London bus tour - The Tower Bridge
IMG 0313  London bus tour - Poseidon IMG 0314  London bus tour IMG 0315  London bus tour - the London Eye across the Thames IMG 0316  Lynn on the London bus tour
IMG 0317  London bus tour - Big Ben IMG 0318  London bus tour - Big Ben IMG 0319  London bus tour - Randy & Mel IMG 0320  London bus tour - Big Ben
IMG 0321  St Thomas' Hospital IMG 0322  London - the oldest pub in London - a bell rings to tell the MPs when to go vote IMG 0323  London - Anna Pavlova on the Victoria Palace Theatre IMG 2735  London bus tour
IMG 2736  London bus tour IMG 2737  London bus tour IMG 2738  London bus tour IMG 2739  London bus tour
IMG 2740  Madame Tousad's - London bus tour IMG 2741  London bus tour IMG 2742  London bus tour IMG 2743  London bus tour
IMG 2744  London bus tour IMG 2745  London bus tour IMG 2746  Piccadilly Circus - London bus tour IMG 2747  London bus tour
IMG 2748  Trafalgar Square IMG 2749  The National Gallery IMG 2750  London bus tour IMG 2751  The Savoy Theatre - London bus tour
IMG 2752  London bus tour IMG 2753  The Royal Courts of Justice - London bus tour IMG 2754  London bus tour IMG 2755  London bus tour
IMG 2756  London bus tour IMG 2757  London bus tour IMG 2758  The Tower Bridge - London bus tour IMG 2759  The Tower Bridge - London bus tour
IMG 2760  a pedicab - London bus tour IMG 2761  The Shard - London bus tour IMG 2762  London from the Tower Bridge, London bus tour IMG 2763  The Tower Bridge
IMG 2764  The Tower Bridge IMG 2765  The Tower of London IMG 2766  The Tower of London IMG 2767  The Tower of London
IMG 2768  The Tower of London IMG 2769  London bus tour IMG 2770  London bus tour IMG 2771  London bus tour
IMG 2772  London bus tour IMG 2773  London bus tour IMG 2774  London bus tour IMG 2775  upside down building in London
IMG 2776  London bus tour IMG 2777  London bus tour IMG 2778  The London Eye - London bus tour IMG 2779  London bus tour
IMG 2780  Big Ben - London bus tour IMG 2781  London bus tour IMG 2782  London bus tour IMG 2783  The London Eye
IMG 2784  London bus tour IMG 2785  Big Ben IMG 2786  Big Ben IMG 2787  Big Ben
IMG 2788  Big Ben IMG 2789  London bus tour IMG 2790  London bus tour IMG 2791  The oldest pub in London - London bus tour
IMG 2792  London bus tour IMG 2793  London bus tour IMG 2794  PVBLIC LIBRARY IMG 2795  upside down guy with his head underground - London bus tour, called Alien, by David Breuer-Weil near Victoria Station
IMG 2731  Lynn, Mel & Dawn looking at the wedding dress exhibit at the Victoria & Albert Museum IMG 2732  Mel, Lynn & Dawn at the Victoria & Albert Museum IMG 2733  Victoria & Albert Museum IMG 2734  Dawn entering the TARDIS
IMG 2796  some Bibbies ahorse in Hyde Park, London IMG 2797  Wellington Arch aka Constitution Arch at the western corner of Green Park just south of Hyde Park London IMG 2798  The Gates in Green Park near Buckingham Palace IMG 2799  Buckingham Palace
IMG 2801  The Gates in front of Buckingham Palace IMG 2802  Buckingham Palace IMG 2803  Buckingham Palace through the keyhole IMG 2804  a black helicopter, maybe the Queen comming home??
IMG 2805  The fabulous gates in front of Buckingham Palace IMG 0324  Gates at Buckingham Palace IMG 0325  Victoria Memorial (1924) in front of Buckingham Palace IMG 0326  a guard at Buckingham Palace
IMG 0327  Dawn & Mike in front of the gates at Buckingham Palace IMG 0328  Dawn & Mike in front of the gates at Buckingham Palace IMG 0329  Buckingham Palace IMG 0330  Buckingham Palace
IMG 0331  Randy & Lynn at Buckingham Palace IMG 0332  Randy & Lynn at Buckingham Palace IMG 2806  The Royal Mews (stables) which house the horses, carriages and later cars for the Royalty of Buckingham Palace IMG 2807  Carriage at the Royel Mews
IMG 2808  Carriage at the Royel Mews IMG 2809  a modern horseless-carriage at the Royel Mews (Rolls-Royce Phanton IV - 5.7 liter straight 8) IMG 2810  the actual stables at the Royal Mews IMG 2811  each stall has the horse's name
IMG 2812  The Gold State Coach IMG 2813  The Gold State Coach IMG 2814  The Gold State Coach IMG 2815  an actual horse at the Royal Mews!
IMG 2823  Dawn at the Italian Gardens, Hyde Park, London IMG 2824  ducks at the Italian Gardens, Hyde Park, London IMG 2825  Italian Gardens, Hyde Park, London IMG 2826  Mike at the Italian Gardens, Hyde Park, London
IMG 2827  Kensington Palace, London IMG 2828  "the Queen" at Kensignton Palace (don't turn your back on her!) IMG 2829  Dawn on the path from Kensington Palace to The Orangery IMG 2830  Dawn at the gardens near Kensignton Palace
IMG 2831  Dawn at the gardens near Kensignton Palace IMG 2832  Dawn on her way to The Orangery for tea IMG 2833  Dawn at the gardens near Kensignton Palace IMG 2816  Dawn arriving at The Making of Harry Potter Warner Bros. Studio Tour
IMG 0333  Mike holding up the flying car at the Warner Bros. Studio Tour - the Making of Harry Potter IMG 0545  back seat - Mike & Dawn, front seat - Lyn, Mel, Sam, Randy - in the Harry Potter flying car IMG 2818  the Grat Hall at Hogwarts IMG 2819  big gates of Hogwarts
IMG 2820  Harry's dorm room IMG 2821  all the wands IMG 2822  Dumbledore's study IMG 0334  Harry's closet at the  Warner Bros. Studio Tour - the Making of Harry Potter
IMG 0335  Warner Bros. Studio Tour - the Making of Harry Potter IMG 0336  Warner Bros. Studio Tour - the Making of Harry Potter IMG 0337  Warner Bros. Studio Tour - the Making of Harry Potter IMG 0338  Warner Bros. Studio Tour - the Making of Harry Potter
IMG 0339  Warner Bros. Studio Tour - the Making of Harry Potter IMG 0340  Warner Bros. Studio Tour - the Making of Harry Potter IMG 0341  Warner Bros. Studio Tour - the Making of Harry Potter IMG 0342  Warner Bros. Studio Tour - the Making of Harry Potter
IMG 0343  Butter Beer - Warner Bros. Studio Tour - the Making of Harry Potter IMG 0344  The Italian Gardens - Hyde Park - London IMG 0345  Mike & Dawn at The Italian Gardens - Hyde Park - London IMG 0346  Mike & Dawn at The Italian Gardens - Hyde Park - London
IMG 0347  The London Eye IMG 0348  The London Eye - Dawn's feet (nice pedi!) IMG 0349  Mike (squinting) on the London Eye IMG 0350  Lynn, Mike, Sam, Mel on the London Eye
IMG 0351  Big Ben from the London Eye IMG 0352  Randy on the London Eye IMG 0353  London Eye - looking WNW IMG 0354  Dawn & Mike on The London Eye
IMG 0355  The London Eye (the floor?) IMG 0356  Sam & Mel - The London Eye IMG 0357  Sam & Mel - The London Eye IMG 2837  Dawn on the London Eye
IMG 2838  Dawn on the London Eye IMG 2839  view from the London Eye IMG 2840  view from the London Eye IMG 2841  view from the London Eye
IMG 2842  view from the London Eye IMG 2843  view from the London Eye IMG 2844  view from the London Eye IMG 2845  view from the London Eye
IMG 2846  view from the London Eye IMG 2847  Mike & Dawn by Westinster Bridge with Big Ben in the background across the Thames IMG 2848  Mike & Dawn by Westinster Bridge with Big Ben in the background across the Thames IMG 2849  Big Ben, London
IMG 0358  Mike with a big Penguin near the London Aquarium IMG 0359  Mike & Dawn near the Westminster bridge across from Big Ben, London IMG 0360  Mike & Dawn near the Westminster bridge across from Big Ben, London IMG 0361  Mike & Dawn near the Westminster bridge across from Big Ben, London
IMG 0362  Big Ben - London IMG 0363  House of Parliament - London IMG 0364  House of Parliament - London IMG 0365  House of Parliament - London
IMG 0366  House of Parliament - London IMG 2850  The Beatles Coffee Shop at theSt John's Wood underground stop near Abbey Road, London IMG 0367  London - getting ready to take pictures at Abbey Road IMG 0368  Mike & Dawn, Abbey Road, London
IMG 0369  Mike & Dawn, Abbey Road, London IMG 0370  Mike & Dawn, Abbey Road, London IMG 0371  Mike & Dawn, Abbey Road, London IMG 0372  Mike & Dawn, Abbey Road, London
IMG 0373  Mike & Dawn, Abbey Road, London IMG 0374  Mike & Dawn, Abbey Road, London IMG 0375  Mike & Dawn, Abbey Road, London IMG 0376  Mike & Dawn, Abbey Road, London
IMG 0377  Mike & Dawn, Abbey Road, London IMG 0378  Mike & Dawn, Abbey Road, London IMG 0379  Mike & Dawn, Abbey Road, London IMG 0380  Mike & Dawn, Abbey Road, London
IMG 0381  Mike & Dawn, Abbey Road, London IMG 0382  Mike & Dawn, Abbey Road, London IMG 0383  Mike & Dawn, Abbey Road, London IMG 0384  Mike & Dawn, Abbey Road, London
IMG 2851  Abbey Road IMG 2852  Dawn & Mike waiting our turn to walk across IMG 2853  Mike & Dawn walking across Abbey Road IMG 2854  Mike & Dawn walking across Abbey Road
IMG 2855  Mike & Dawn walking across Abbey Road IMG 2856  Mike & Dawn walking across Abbey Road IMG 2857  Mike & Dawn walking across Abbey Road IMG 2858  Mike & Dawn walking across Abbey Road
IMG 2859  Mike & Dawn walking across Abbey Road IMG 2860  Mike & Dawn walking across Abbey Road IMG 2861  Mike & Dawn walking across Abbey Road IMG 2862  Mike & Dawn just walked across Abbey Road
IMG 2863  Mike & Dawn just walked across Abbey Road IMG 2864  Mike & Dawn just walked across Abbey Road IMG 2865  Abbey Road Studios, London IMG 2866  graffiti on the wall at Abbey Road Studios
IMG 2867  Abbey Road Studios, London IMG 2868  Mike & Dawn by the statue of Sherlock Holmes near Madame Tussaud's, London IMG 2869  Mike & Dawn by the statue of Sherlock Holmes near Madame Tussaud's, London IMG 2870  221b Baker Street London (The Sherlock Holmes museum)
IMG 2871  see - 221b! IMG 2872  Mike & Randy in the Beatles Shop IMG 2873  Dawn in front of the Beatles shop in London IMG 2874  The Ginger Beer has "absolutely no nasties"!
IMG 0385  Stonehenge IMG 0389  Mike at Stonehenge IMG 0392  Sam at Stonehenge IMG 0393  Sam at Stonehenge
IMG 0394  Mike & Dawn at Stonehenge IMG 0395  Mike & Dawn at Stonehenge IMG 0396  Mike & Dawn at Stonehenge IMG 0397  Mike & Dawn at Stonehenge
IMG 0398  Mike & Dawn at Stonehenge IMG 0399  Mike & Dawn at Stonehenge IMG 0400  Mike & Dawn at Stonehenge IMG 0401  Stonehenge
IMG 0402  Stonehenge IMG 0403  Stonehenge IMG 0404  Stonehenge IMG 2875  Stonehenge
IMG 2877  had to take a pic of the bus license plate - they all looked the same! IMG 2878  Stonehenge IMG 2879  Dawn at Stonehenge IMG 2880  The Heel Stone at Stonehenge
IMG 2881  Stonehenge IMG 2882  Stonehenge 180 degree panorama IMG 2883  Stonehenge IMG 2884  you can see the berms around Stonehenge
IMG 2885  Stonehenge IMG 2886  Mike & Dawn at Stonehenge IMG 2887  Mike & Dawn at Stonehenge IMG 2888  Mike & Dawn at Stonehenge
IMG 2889  more burial mounds in the distance IMG 2890  Stonehenge IMG 2891  Stonehenge IMG 2892  Stonehenge - right along the axis with the Heelstone framed across the Altar Stone.  The sun would set directly behind me on the winter solstice.
IMG 2893  pits in the ground surround Stonehenge IMG 2894  Stonehenge IMG 2895  Stonehenge IMG 2896  Stonehenge
IMG 2897  Stonehenge IMG 2898  Sam, Mel & Dawn, arriving in the train station after visiting Stonehenge IMG 0405  The Tower of London - ceramic red poppies flow from the Tower to Remember the fallen soldiers of WWI IMG 0406  The Beefeater tour - the Tower of London
IMG 0407  Dawn "selfie" in front of a guard at the Tower of London IMG 0408  Dawn "selfie" in front of a guard at the Tower of London IMG 0409  The Tower of London IMG 2834  The Tower of London
IMG 2835  The Tower of London IMG 2836  The Tower of London IMG 2899  The Beefeater Tour of the Tower of London IMG 2900  Traitor's Gate, Tower of London
IMG 2901  Tower of London IMG 2902  Tower of London - entrance to see the Crown Jewels (can't take pictures in there though) IMG 2903  Tower of London IMG 2904  Tower of London
IMG 2905  Dawn at The Tower of London IMG 2906  Tower of London IMG 2907  a cannon at The Tower of London IMG 2908  One of the Ravens at The Tower of London
IMG 2909  The Ravens at The Tower of London IMG 2910  They found 2 dead princes in the wll at The Tower of London IMG 2911  Armour at The Tower of London IMG 2912  Armour at The Tower of London
IMG 2913  Armour at The Tower of London IMG 2914  Armour at The Tower of London IMG 2915  Armour at The Tower of London IMG 2916  Armour at The Tower of London
IMG 2917  The Collar of Torment at The Tower of London IMG 2918  swords and their owners - The Tower of London IMG 2919  Sam & Dawn with a guard at The The Tower of London IMG 2920  Mike & Dawn at The The Tower of London with the Tower Bridge in the background
IMG 2921  Mike & Dawn at The The Tower of London with the Tower Bridge in the background IMG 2922  Hampton Court Palace IMG 2923  Hampton Court IMG 2924  Heading for the Maze at Hampton Court
IMG 2925  The Maze at Hampton Court IMG 2926  proof that I made it to the center of the Maze at Hampton Court IMG 2927  see, there is a plaque in the center! IMG 2928  The Maze at Hampton Court
IMG 2929  Dawn smells the nice roses at Hampton Court IMG 2930  Dawn at Hampton Court IMG 2931  a dragon at Hampton Court IMG 2932  Hampton Court
IMG 2933  Hampton Court - Henry VIII hung out here IMG 2934  Hampton Court IMG 2935  Hampton Court gardens IMG 2936  a swan at Hampton Court
IMG 2937  Hampton Court IMG 0413  Eve Best (Dr O'Hara from Nurse Jackie) as Cleopatra in Antony & Cleopatra at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre London IMG 0414  Antony & Cleopatra at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre London IMG 2950  Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
IMG 2951  But what is busking? IMG 2952  Mike by the Thames IMG 2953  Dawn & Sam in a pub IMG 2957  Dawn, Sam, Lynn, Mel, Randy - at the Monkey Puzzle
IMG 2954  downtown London IMG 2955  Dawn, Sam, Randy, Mel - downtown London IMG 2938  arriving at the Oxford Circus underground station IMG 2939  navigating the underground
IMG 2940  which way is it? IMG 0415  Mike & Dawn selfie at Oxford Circus, London IMG 2941  Sam & DAwn at a store near the underground IMG 2956  Dawn & Mr Bean!
IMG 2942  Fashion Connection UK IMG 2943  Dawn by the Apple Store IMG 0410  Westminster Abbey IMG 0411  Westminster Abbey
IMG 0412  Westminster Abbey IMG 2944  Westminster Abbey IMG 2945  Westminster Abbey IMG 2946  Westminster Abbey (they don't let you take pictures inside)
IMG 2947  Westminster Abbey IMG 2948  Westminster Abbey IMG 2949  Westminster Abbey IMG 2958  riding the Chunnel Train
IMG 2959  riding the Chunnel Train IMG 2960  Ecole Militaire - our metro stop IMG 0416  Our Metro stop in Paris was Ecole Militaire (Military School or as young Pat used to say "Bilitary School") IMG 0417  Our Metro stop in Paris was Ecole Militaire (Military School or as young Pat used to say "Bilitary School")
IMG 2961  monument on the way to the Eiffel Tower IMG 2962  Mike & Dawn in front of the Eiffel Tower IMG 2965  Lynn & Dawn at the Eiffel Tower IMG 2966  there are name of famous people on the tower
IMG 2967  close up shot of the Eiffel Tower IMG 2968  Dawn at Pont d'lena bridge near the Eiffel Town looking accross the Seine toward the Trocadero IMG 2969  Dawn at the Eiffel Tower IMG 0418  Mike & Dawn in front ot the Eiffel Tower (La Tour Eiffel), Champ de Mars, 5 Avenue Anatole, 75007 Paris, France
IMG 0419  Mike & Dawn in front ot the Eiffel Tower IMG 0431  Randy & Lynn in front ot the Eiffel Tower IMG 0432  Randy & Lynn in front ot the Eiffel Tower IMG 0439  Make samples his first real French pastry
IMG 0440  Dawn shows off her pastry IMG 2970  Dawn shows off her pastry IMG 2971  bagguettes were only about 1 euro IMG 2972  note the "VEGETARIAN BURGER" is has 170gr of beef!
IMG 0443  wine we drank at dinner IMG 2973  on our way to the fancy French restaurant for lunch IMG 2974  a park near the restaurant IMG 2975  Lynn, Dawn, Mel & Sam rest on a bench
IMG 2976  Chapelle Sainte Therese near the restaurant IMG 2977  lunch at L'acajou - http://www.l-acajou.com/ - duck breast (magret de canard) IMG 2978  lunch at L'acajou IMG 2979  2 desserts!
IMG 2980  L'acajou - there is the phone number if you want to make a res IMG 0444  Mike & Dawn at L'Acajou restaurant, 35 Rue Jean de la Fontaine, 75016 Paris, France IMG 0445  Mike & Dawn in front of Notre Dame de Paris IMG 0446  Mike & Dawn in front of Notre Dame
IMG 0447  Mike & Dawn in front of Notre Dame de Paris IMG 0448  Notre Dame de Paris IMG 0449  Mike & Dawn in front of Notre Dame de Paris IMG 2981  Notre Dame
IMG 2982  boats near Notre Dame IMG 2983  boats near Notre Dame IMG 2984  Dawn & Mike at Notre Dame IMG 2985  Notre Dame
IMG 2986  Charlemagne et ses Leudes IMG 2987  the gargoyles of Notre Dame IMG 2988  Notre Dame IMG 2989  Notre Dame
IMG 2990  Notre Dame IMG 2991  Notre Dame IMG 2992  Notre Dame IMG 2993  Notre Dame
IMG 2994  Notre Dame IMG 2995  Notre Dame IMG 2996  Notre Dame IMG 2997  Notre Dame in 1163
IMG 2998  Notre Dame - in 1265 IMG 2999  Notre Dame - in 1860 (pretty much done) IMG 3001  Notre Dame - scale model IMG 3002  diaramo of the building of Notre Dame
IMG 3003  Notre Dame IMG 3004  Notre Dame IMG 3005  Notre Dame IMG 3006  going up the stairs (I think Dawn counted 367 steps)
IMG 3007  Randy & Dawn going up the stairs at Notre Dame IMG 3008  still going up the stairs.... IMG 3009  at the top of Notre Dame IMG 3010  The gargoyles at the top of Notre Dame
IMG 3011  The view towards the Eiffel Tower from the top of Notre Dame IMG 3012  180 degree panorama from the top of Notre Dame IMG 3013  180 degree panorama from the top of Notre Dame IMG 3015  gargoyles at the top of Notre Dame
IMG 3016  gargoyles at the top of Notre Dame IMG 3017  gargoyles at the top of Notre Dame IMG 3018  gargoyles at the top of Notre Dame IMG 3019  gargoyles at the top of Notre Dame
IMG 3020  statues at the top of Notre Dame IMG 3021  at the top of Notre Dame IMG 3022  Randy taking a picture at the top of Notre Dame IMG 3023  at the top of Notre Dame
IMG 3024  gargoyle at the top of Notre Dame IMG 3025  Dawn examines a gargoyle at the top of Notre Dame IMG 3026  statues and gargoyles at the top of Notre Dame IMG 3027  gargoyles at the top of Notre Dame
IMG 3028  a bird gargoyle eating grapes at the top of Notre Dame IMG 3029  The view towards the Eiffel Tower from Notre Dame IMG 3030  zoomed view of the Eiffel Tower IMG 3031  gargoyles at the top of Notre Dame
IMG 3032  the view from the top of Notre Dame - WNW IMG 3033  we saw Mel & Sam sitting on Charlemagne's statue IMG 3034  Dawn enjoys the view from the top of Notre Dame IMG 3035  La Tour Eiffel
IMG 3036  the view from the top of Notre Dame IMG 3037  the view towards Sacre Couer - on the hill at the right IMG 3038  the roof of Notre Dame IMG 3039  the view from the top of Notre Dame
IMG 3040  the view toward Sacre Coeur IMG 3041  the view east IMG 3042  looking down on the flying butresses of Notre Dame IMG 3043  the bells tolling at Notre Dame
IMG 3044  the roof of Notre Dame looking ESE down the Siene IMG 3045  flying butresses IMG 3046  flying butresses IMG 3047  looking ESE down the Siene
IMG 3048  looking south IMG 3049  a water town had a mural on it IMG 3050  going down the 367 stairs IMG 0450  the door at Notre Dame
IMG 0451  Notre Dame IMG 0452  Notre Dame IMG 0453  Notre Dame IMG 0454  Notre Dame
IMG 0455  Notre Dame IMG 0456  Notre Dame IMG 0457  Dawn atop Notre Dame in front of the Gargoyles IMG 0458  Gargoyles atop Notre Dame
IMG 0459  at the top of Notre Dame IMG 0460  at the top of Notre Dame IMG 0461  Gargoyles atop Notre Dame IMG 0462  Gargoyles atop Notre Dame
IMG 0463  view towards the Eiffel Tower from the top of Notre Dame IMG 0464  view towards the Eiffel Tower from the top of Notre Dame IMG 0465  view towards the Eiffel Tower from the top of Notre Dame IMG 3051  Sainte-Chapelle
IMG 3052  the gates of Sainte-Chapelle IMG 3053  Sainte-Chapelle IMG 3054  Sainte-Chapelle IMG 3055  Sainte-Chapelle
IMG 3056  Sainte-Chapelle IMG 3057  the Seine - Paris IMG 3058  the Seine - Paris IMG 3059  Paris
IMG 3060  Dawn & Mike in fron of the Louvre pyramid (with 666 panes of glass???) IMG 0466  Dawn & Mike in front of the Louvre pyramid IMG 0467  Randy, Lynn, Mel & Sam  in front of the Louvre pyramid IMG 3061  godess of the Hunt
IMG 3062  Venus de Milo IMG 3063  Egyptian Sphinx IMG 3064  even the ceilings at the Louvre were works of art IMG 3065  sculpture at the Louvre
IMG 3066  sculpture at the Louvre IMG 3067  sculpture at the Louvre (a Michelangelo) IMG 3068 IMG 3069  sculpture battling cerberus
IMG 0468  Venus de Milo - the Louvre, Paris IMG 0469  Dawn with Venus de Milo - the Louvre, Paris IMG 0470  Venus de Milo - the Louvre, Paris IMG 0471  The Louvre, Paris
IMG 0472  The Louvre, Paris IMG 0473  Mercury, The Louvre, Paris IMG 0474  Dawn with Mercury, The Louvre, Paris IMG 0475  Lynn with Winged Victory of Samothrace aka Nike, the Louvre, Paris
IMG 3070  Nike IMG 3071  Nike IMG 3072  Dawn with Nike IMG 3073  the Louvre - Paris
IMG 3074  the Mona Lisa IMG 3075  The Mona Lisa IMG 3076  The Mona Lisa IMG 3077  Dawn & Mike in a selfie with the Mona Lisa
IMG 0476  The Mona Lisa, Lisa del Giocondo, 1503-1517, by Leonardo da Vinci, the Louvre, Paris IMG 0477  The Mona Lisa IMG 0478  Dawn in front of The Mona Lisa IMG 3078  on the opposite wall from the Mona Lisa - a huge painting of the Last Supper
IMG 3079  one last look at the Mona Lisa IMG 0479  Mel, Lynn, Sam & Mike in front of Nike IMG 0480  Mel, Lynn, Sam & Mike in front of Nike IMG 0481  Mike & Dawn under the pyramid of the Louvre, Paris
IMG 0482  The Pont des Arts bridge, Paris, aka the "love lock" bridge IMG 0483  The Pont des Arts bridge, Paris, aka the "love lock" bridge IMG 3080  nice little car IMG 3081  Dawn walking from the train station towards Versailles
IMG 3082  The Palace of Versailles IMG 3083  there is a painted mural over a part they are restorring IMG 3084  Dawn at the Gates of the Palace of Versailles IMG 0484  Palace of Versailles, Place d'Armes, 78000 Versailles, France
IMG 0485  Versailles IMG 0486  Versailles IMG 3085  Versailles IMG 3086  Versailles
IMG 3087  Versailles IMG 3088  Versailles IMG 3089  Versailles IMG 3090  Versailles
IMG 3091  Versailles IMG 3092  Versailles IMG 3093  Versailles IMG 3094  Versailles
IMG 3095  Versailles IMG 3096  Versailles IMG 3097  Versailles IMG 3098  Versailles
IMG 3099  Versailles IMG 3100  Versailles - even the latches on the windows were fancy IMG 3101  Versailles IMG 3102  Versailles
IMG 3103  Versailles IMG 3104  Versailles IMG 3105  Versailles - the kings liked these tall beds IMG 3106  Versailles
IMG 0487  Dawn in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles IMG 0488  Dawn & Mike in  the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles IMG 0489  the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles IMG 0490  the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles
IMG 0491  Diana godess of the hunt, Versailles IMG 0492  Versailles, tall beds were popular with the kings of France IMG 0493  Mike at Versailles IMG 3107  Dawn at Versailles
IMG 3108  Dawn at Versailles IMG 3109  Versailles IMG 3110  Versailles IMG 3111  Versailles
IMG 3112  Versailles IMG 3113  Versailles IMG 3114  Versailles IMG 3115  Versailles
IMG 3116  Versailles IMG 3117  Versailles IMG 3118  Versailles IMG 3119  Versailles
IMG 3120  Versailles IMG 3121  Versailles IMG 3122  Versailles IMG 3123  Versailles
IMG 3124  Versailles IMG 3125  Versailles IMG 3126  Versailles IMG 3127  Versailles
IMG 3128  Versailles IMG 3129  Versailles IMG 3130  Versailles IMG 3131  Versailles
IMG 3132  Napoleon and Dawn IMG 3133  Napolean IMG 3134  Napolean IMG 3135
IMG 3136 IMG 3137  This room had a giant painting of each big battle - Versailles IMG 3138  Versailles IMG 3139  Versailles
IMG 3140  Versailles IMG 3141  Versailles IMG 3142  Versailles IMG 3143  Versailles
IMG 3144  Versailles IMG 3145  Louis XVI - Versailles IMG 3146  Charlemagne - Versailles IMG 3147  Descartes - Versailles
IMG 3148  Dagobert - Versailles IMG 3149  The geneology of the kings of France IMG 3150  Versailles IMG 3151  Versailles - Dawn on the bus to the Petit Trianon
IMG 3152  the gardens of Versailles IMG 3153  the gardens of Versailles IMG 3154  the Grand Trianon IMG 3155  The gates of the Petit Trianon
IMG 3156  Mike & Dawn at the gates of the Petit Trianon - home of Marie Antoinette IMG 3157  Petit Trianon - Versailles IMG 3158  Petit Trianon - Versailles IMG 3159  Petit Trianon - Versailles
IMG 3160  Petit Trianon - Versailles IMG 3161  Petit Trianon - Versailles IMG 3162  Petit Trianon - Versailles IMG 3163  Petit Trianon - Versailles
IMG 3164  Petit Trianon - Versailles IMG 3165  Petit Trianon - Versailles IMG 3166  the comode at the Petit Trianon - Versailles IMG 3167  Petit Trianon - Versailles
IMG 3168  Petit Trianon - Versailles IMG 3169  Petit Trianon - Versailles IMG 3170  livery of the Petit Trianon - Versailles IMG 3171  the pool table at the Petit Trianon - Versailles
IMG 3172  a nice pavillion in the gardens at the Petit Trianon - Versailles IMG 3173  the statue in the pavillion IMG 0494  The Petit Trianon, home of Marie Antoinette at Versailles IMG 3174  walking over to the Queen's Villiage from the Petit Trianon
IMG 3175  The Queen's Village - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles IMG 3176  The Queen's Village - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles IMG 3177  The Queen's Village - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles IMG 3178  The Queen's Village - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles
IMG 3179  The Queen's Village - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles IMG 3180  The Queen's Village - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles IMG 3181  The Queen's Village - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles IMG 3182  The Queen's Village - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles
IMG 3183  The Queen's Village - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles IMG 3184  The Queen's Village - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles IMG 3185  The Queen's Village - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles IMG 3186  The Queen's Village - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles
IMG 3187  The Queen's Village - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles IMG 3188  The Queen's Village - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles IMG 3189  The Queen's Village - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles IMG 3190  The Queen's Village - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles
IMG 3191  The Queen's Village - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles IMG 0495  The Queen's Village near the Petit Trianon, Versailles IMG 0496  The Queen's Village near the Petit Trianon, Versailles IMG 0497  The Queen's Village near the Petit Trianon, Versailles
IMG 3192  the swimmin' hole - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles IMG 3193  the swimmin' hole - near the Petit Tianon - Versailles IMG 3194  the gardens at Versailles IMG 3195  a sunshower in the gardens of Versailles
IMG 3196  the gardens of Versailles IMG 3197  the gardens of Versailles IMG 3198  Dawn leaving Versailles IMG 3199  heading back to our hotel on the metro - Team Mike
IMG 3200  The Eiffel Tower at twilight IMG 3201  The Eiffel Tower at twilight IMG 3202  The Eiffel Tower after sunset IMG 3203  Dawn & Mike at The Eiffel Tower after sunset
IMG 3204  The Eiffel Tower after sunset IMG 3205  The Eiffel Tower after sunset IMG 3206  under the Eiffel Tower IMG 3207  under the Eiffel Tower
IMG 3208  under the Eiffel Tower IMG 3209  under the Eiffel Tower IMG 3210  under the Eiffel Tower IMG 3211  under the Eiffel Tower
IMG 3212  the Eiffel Tower at night - lights twinkle on the hour IMG 3213 IMG 3214 IMG 3215
IMG 3216 IMG 3217 IMG 3218 IMG 3219
IMG 0498  a real French pastry IMG 3220  Dawn walking around Paris IMG 3221  a Paris street near our hotel IMG 0499  out to eat in France - Mike, Dawn, Lynn, Sam, Mel, Randy - be sure to ask: le service est inclus n'est-ce pas?
IMG 0500  out to eat in France - Mike, Dawn, Lynn, Sam, Mel, Randy IMG 3222  lunch IMG 3223  French onion soup IMG 0501  they have those goofy drinks with tapioca balls in them in France too
IMG 0502  Mike & Dawn in front of the Paris Opera House IMG 0503  Le Arc de Triomphe IMG 0504  The view towards Le Tour Eiffell from Le Arc de Triomphe IMG 0505  Arc de Triomphe
IMG 0506  Le Arc de Triomphe IMG 0507  Le Arc de Triomphe IMG 0508  Le Arc de Triomphe IMG 0509  Le Arc de Triomphe
IMG 0510  Dawn at Le Arc de Triomphe IMG 0511  Paris bus tour IMG 0512  Paris bus tour IMG 0513  Les Invalides with it's Gold Dome (just like the Denver Capitol building)
IMG 0514  The Flame of Liberty - copy of the torch in the hand of the statue of Liberty -  in front of the tunnel where Lady Diana died IMG 0515 IMG 0516  Mike & Dawn at the top of the Eiffel Tower IMG 0517  Sam on top of the Eiffel Tower
IMG 0518  Dawn atop the Eiffel Tower IMG 0519  Mike & Dawn at the top of the Eiffel Tower IMG 0520  the crowds waiting in line for the elevators at the Eiffel Tower IMG 0521  Dawn & Sam at the Eiffel Tower
IMG 0522  view from the Eiffel Tower IMG 0523  view from the Eiffel Tower IMG 0524  view from Sacre Coeur IMG 0525  Sacre Coeur
IMG 0526  the buildings surrounding Sacre Coeur IMG 0527  the steep steps down from Sacre Coeur IMG 0528  the steep steps up to Sacre Coeur IMG 0529  the merry go round in front of Sacre Coeur
IMG 3296  saw this sign on a poster in the metro - as a child she wanted to be a fire fighter, as an adult it cost her life IMG 3297  strange face sculpture in the middle of a wall IMG 3298  the funicular - you can ride up if you don't want to take the steps IMG 3299  the view from Sacre Coeur
IMG 3300  Sacre Coeur IMG 3301  Dawn at Sacre Coeur IMG 3302  Sacre Coeur IMG 3303  Sacre Coeur
IMG 3304  the gargoyles of Sacre Coeur IMG 3305  the view near Sacre Coeur IMG 3306  a narrow street near Sacre Coeur IMG 3307  a narrow street near Sacre Coeur
IMG 3308  Sacre Coeur IMG 3309  the stairs up to Sacre Coeur IMG 3310  Sacro Coeur IMG 3311  they had these motorcycles with two small wheels in front
IMG 3312  poster for Our Worst Neighbors - called Neighbors in the US IMG 3313  the Moulin Rouge IMG 3314  a video "poster" at the Moulin Rouge IMG 3315  a video "poster" at the Moulin Rouge
IMG 3316  the Moulin Rouge IMG 0530  The Moulin Rouge video "posters" IMG 0531  The Moulin Rouge video "posters" IMG 0532  The Eiffel Tower
IMG 3224  The Paris Opera House - setting of Phantom of the Opera IMG 3225  the Paris Opera House IMG 0534  the roof of the Paris Opera House - Palais Garnier- the setting of Phantom of the Opera IMG 0535  the Paris Opera House
IMG 0536  box 5 at the Paris Opera House - the box the Phantom requested be left empty IMG 0537  The Paris Opera House IMG 0538  The Eiffel Tower from across the Seine IMG 0539  Paris bus tour
IMG 0540  Dawn in front of the Eiffel Tower on the Paris bus tour IMG 3226  Paris bus tour IMG 3227  the Louvre - Paris bus tour IMG 3228  Paris bus tour
IMG 3229  Paris bus tour IMG 3230  Paris bus tour IMG 3231  Hotre Dame - Paris bus tour IMG 3232  Dawn on the Paris bus tour
IMG 3233  The Seine is the only river that runs between two bookcases IMG 3234  Paris bus tour IMG 3235  Paris bus tour IMG 3236  Paris bus tour
IMG 3237  Le Grand Palais - The Grand Palace - Paris bus tour IMG 3238  place de la concorde - we saw the matching obelisk in Egypt (they told us the other one had been given to France) IMG 3239  place de la concorde IMG 3240  the Grand Palace
IMG 3241  Dawn by a fountain along the Champs Elysees IMG 3242  cool cars on the Champs Elysees IMG 3243  cool cars on the Champs Elysees IMG 3244  Arc de Triomphe
IMG 3245  the stairs to the top of Arc de Triomphe IMG 3246  half way up - Arc de Triomphe IMG 3247  180 degree panorama from the top of the Arc de Triomphe IMG 3248  the view from the Arc de Triomphe
IMG 3249  the view towards Sacre Coeur from the top of the Arc de Triomphe IMG 3250  the view from the top of the Arc de Triomphe IMG 3251  the view towards the Eiffel Tower from the top of the Arc de Triomphe IMG 3252  the view towards the Eiffel Tower from the top of the Arc de Triomphe
IMG 3253  the view from the top of the the Arc de Triomphe IMG 3254  the view from the top of the Arc de Triomphe towards modern downtown with it's new Grande Arche in La Defense IMG 3255  the view from the top of the Arc de Triomphe towards modern downtown with it's new Grande Arche in La Defense IMG 3256  The view from the top of the Arc de Triomphe
IMG 3257  the view towards Sacre Coeur from the Arc de Triomphe IMG 3258  Arc de Triomphe IMG 3259  Arc de Triomphe IMG 3260  Arc de Triomphe
IMG 3261  Arc de Triomphe IMG 3262  Arc de Triomphe IMG 3263  Arc de Triomphe IMG 3264  the view down Champs Elysees towards Place de la Concorde
IMG 3265  The Grand Palace - Paris IMG 3266  the science museum - Paris IMG 3267  Dome Des Invalides IMG 3268  statue in Paris
IMG 3269  Statue in Paris IMG 3270  Statue in Paris IMG 3271  the Flame of Liberty - a copy of the flame in the hand of the Statue of Liberty in New York, at the entrance to the tunnel where lady Diana died IMG 3272  Paris
IMG 3273  Dawn in front of the Eiffel Tower - Paris bus tour IMG 3274  The Eiffel Tower viewed from the Trocadero IMG 3275  The Trocadero IMG 3276  The Eiffel Tower at night
IMG 3277  Gustav Eiffel IMG 3278  taking the elevator up the Eiffel Tower IMG 3279  The view from the first stop IMG 3280  Mike @ Dawn part way up the Eiffel Tower
IMG 3281  the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower toward Tour Montparnase which they say has a great view because you can't see Tour Montparnase IMG 3282  the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower IMG 3283  the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower IMG 3284  the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower
IMG 3285  the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower IMG 3286  the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower IMG 3287  the viewing platform on the top of the Eiffel Tower IMG 3288  the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower
IMG 3289  the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower IMG 3290  the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower IMG 3291  the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower IMG 3292  the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower
IMG 3293  the view from the top of the Eiffel Tower IMG 3294  going down again IMG 3295  cool motorcycle with a big cowling IMG 3317  Les Invalides
IMG 3318  Les Invalides IMG 3319  Paris IMG 3320  Cafe de Paix - Paris IMG 3321  Paris
IMG 3322  Hotel Paris Saint Honore - big fancy shopping mall IMG 3323  Hotel Paris Saint Honore - big fancy shopping mall IMG 3324  monument to Charles Garnier architect of the Paris Opera House IMG 3325  the Paris Opera House
IMG 3326  the Paris Opera House IMG 3327  the Paris Opera House - ceiling by Marc Chagall IMG 3328  the Paris Opera House IMG 3329  the Paris Opera House
IMG 3330  the Apple store near the Opera House in Paris IMG 3331  boat lightposts near the Paris Opera House IMG 3333  the Eiffel Tower from the Trocadero IMG 3334  Seine boat tour, photobombed by some French guy
IMG 3335  Seine boat tour IMG 3336  Seine boat tour IMG 3337  Seine boat tour IMG 3338  Seine boat tour
IMG 3339  Seine boat tour IMG 3340  Seine boat tour IMG 3341  Seine boat tour IMG 3342  Seine boat tour
IMG 3343  Seine boat tour IMG 3344  Seine boat tour - Notre Dame IMG 3345  Seine boat tour IMG 3346  Seine boat tour - bridge of locks
IMG 3347  Seine boat tour- dancers IMG 3348  Seine boat tour IMG 3349  Seine boat tour IMG 3350  Seine boat tour  - mini Eiffel Tower
IMG 3351  Seine boat tour IMG 0541  Seine boat tourThe Seine boat tour IMG 0542  Seine boat tourThe Seine boat tour IMG 0543  Seine boat tourThe Seine boat tour
IMG 3353  after getting dropped off at the wrong terminal, asking around in French where US Airways was and how to get there, running through the airport and finally getting into line just in time to board and go home. IMG 0544  My garden went nuts wile I was gone